Some of our loyal blog readers may remember a post from a few years ago when we introduced you to the Kromer Kap Kulture Klub. Well, we’re happy to say that this year, our CEO, Bob Jacquart, joined them for a meal.
A brief refresher: The Klub is a group of men who gather each year at a no-power, no-plumbing log cabin north of Gleason, Wisconsin for deer season. All Klub members, of course, wear a Kromer. Members receive an official Certificate of Membership, plus honorary, non-voting stock in Kromer Kap Kulture Klub, LLC.
Bob had promised the Klub that one day he would bring pasties to the cabin for dinner. This November on a -6 degree night, he did just that, and took some great pictures that we would like to share. The first photo shows Bob (center) with two members of the Klub.
This next photo shows the full Kromer Kap Kulture Klub. Notice the one young man on the left, the only one with a red cap? That indicates he’s a Klub rookie – next year, he’ll be allowed to wear a black cap and the red one will be saved for the next rookie.
Bob brought pasties as promised, and brownies for dessert. Since there is no oven in the cabin, Bob had to bring them preheated.
Also revealed that night was new plaque that would be set into the sidewalk come
springtime, commemorating the 30 year anniversary of the Kromer Kap Kulture Klub. The plaque was a surprise to everyone except the man who made it that night.
We love to hear stories of fans who truly embrace the Kromer legend, and who even make it a part of their family and community traditions.
Do you have any Stormy Kromer traditions to share?
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2 Replies to “Bob visits the Kromer Kap Kulture Klub”
pasties and Kromers! what could be better. Hi Bob.
I’m a member also, but wasn’t able to make it this year due to some unforeseen circumstances that came up. A great place to spend opening weekend. Hey, where’s my Pastie?