Photo by Shannon Fallon Photography
In fall 2018 we organized our first pet photo contest – with the winning photos to be featured in our 2019 SK Pet Wall Calendar. Both the contest AND the calendar were a hit!
While a brief description of each animals is featured in the calendar, we are also going to feature them here on the blog each month, and tell you a little bit more about them and their family.
January’s pet is Diggy – a classic American Labrador Retriever who never leaves the house without his classic American Stormy Kromer gear. Diggy lives with Shannon and Derrick in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. They told us, “Diggy was adopted from a local humane society on January 7, 2010 as our one year wedding anniversary gift to each other. He quickly made his way into our hearts and onto our couch.”
We can see why. He’s adorable!
Diggy – like many labs – can also get into his share of trouble, and on one occasion his love of tennis balls got him into some serious trouble. When their visit to the dog park was wrapping up, Derrick was picking up the balls and packing the car. Concerned that he might never see his precious balls again, Diggy thought the safest place to keep one of them was in his tummy. In one swallow, it was gone. The vet team was astonished that a 65-pound dog could swallow a tennis ball whole, but the x-rays confirmed it!
We asked Shannon and Derrick what the connection was between Diggy and Stormy Kromer. They told us that Diggy’s a high energy pet that requires at least twice daily walks – and in Wisconsin’s harsh winters, SK gear keeps them warm and dry while they get him the exercise he needs. We also learned that Stormy Kromer runs strong in their family – Derrick bought the cap Diggy is wearing because his grandfather always wore a Stormy Kromer cap and he wanted to keep that tradition alive.
Diggy’s story, along with this beautiful photo are what earned him not only a spot in the calendar, but also the cover photo. And it’s no wonder it’s such a great photo – Shannon happens to be a photographer specializing in family portraits.
We hope you enjoyed getting to know Diggy as much as we did. Can’t wait to introduce you to February’s pet!